Our Journey

Twinning Threads

Our Journey




Some know me as Mrs Happy, others as simply Ashley – a devoted travel enthusiast. For my fellow fashionistas, I'm the daughter of the backstage queen, Sue Breslin – a wardrobe mistress extraordinaire for Fashion Shows, Concerts, Bands on tour – you name it!

In the past year, I embraced a new title, a 24/7 role familiar to many – motherhood, AKA Mamma. Our little miracle, Frankie Nix, blessed us with her presence in 2022 through IVF.

As Frankie grew and we moved past the newborn stage, I embarked on a quest to find matching styles for us. Picture this – me in a white shirt with a faint pink stripe and Frankie in her pastel pink dungarees. However, finding the perfect similar styles proved to be more challenging than I anticipated. I didn't want an exact match; I wanted a shared style that spoke of similarity. Inspired by my mum's fashion background, I decided to create simple, everyday ranges that allow us to twin without mirroring Frankie's outfit. And thus, Twinning Threads, 'Style made for sharing' came to life!